dijous, 2 de juliol del 2009

Balloon release

On 26th May, French and Catalans pupils released some balloons together in Oust-Marest.

5 balloons were found and send back to our school, 3 of them arrived in Belgium ( one was 204km away !), one of them was found by a british family visiting Thiepval memorial, so it finally came back from England.

This was really an European balloon release !

dimarts, 30 de juny del 2009

Ready for next year !

We've worked a lot in our garden this week in order to have plenty of vegetables to cook at school next year.

We will be on holidays on thursday, and we wish all of you very enjoyable summer holidays !

divendres, 26 de juny del 2009

Comenius book !

Our smallest pupils ready to bring their books back to home.... 100 books have been printed.

Multilingual Conversation Guide

cat en es fr tur