dijous, 2 de juliol del 2009

Balloon release

On 26th May, French and Catalans pupils released some balloons together in Oust-Marest.

5 balloons were found and send back to our school, 3 of them arrived in Belgium ( one was 204km away !), one of them was found by a british family visiting Thiepval memorial, so it finally came back from England.

This was really an European balloon release !

dimarts, 30 de juny del 2009

Ready for next year !

We've worked a lot in our garden this week in order to have plenty of vegetables to cook at school next year.

We will be on holidays on thursday, and we wish all of you very enjoyable summer holidays !

divendres, 26 de juny del 2009

Comenius book !

Our smallest pupils ready to bring their books back to home.... 100 books have been printed.

dimarts, 2 de juny del 2009

Visita a Món Sant Benet

El dimarts dia 19, els alumnes de 6é de l'escola Rnx i els alumnes francesos de l'escola d'Oust-Marest vam anar a Món Sant Benet. Allà, ens vam dividir en tres grups, i en acabat, vam començar la visita. Constava de dos parts: un taller de cuina, (forment i almadroc), i una visita al monestir de Sant Benet. Al taller vam fer dues receptes, i al monestir vam fer diverses coses: primer vam veure un vídeo i una projecció explicant-nos coses sobre el monestir i es monjos que hi vivien. La visita va ser en francès, tot i això, el Toni ens anava traduint “algunes” coses importants. La visita ens va semblar molt interessant.

Pau De Las Heras Molins
David Torres Selga

dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009

L'anada a Oust-Marest - Colònies de 6è

El dia 26 de maig a les 2:45 am havíem d'estar a l'escola. Per què? Per anar a Oust- Marest.
Primer vam agafar un autobús per anar fins a l'aeroport de Girona. Vam arribar a 2/4 de 5 am.
Després de passar controls, per fi, vam agafar l'avió a les 6:50
. Des que l'avió es va enlairar fins que va aterrar van passar 1h i 2/4. I per acabar de l'aeroport de París fins a Oust-Marest ens van
portar en furgoneta.

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2009

TV day 1

TV day 2

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2009

Aux Champs Elyseés

As a specıal greetıng to Elazığ lköğretım Okulu pupils, teachers and famılies the teachers from the Ecole Primaire d'Oust-Marest sing a popular French song: Aux Champs Elyseés.


dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2009

Planting the Trees of Friendship

As a symbol of the friendship which grows between the communities of Elaziğ, Manresa and Oust-Marest the partners of the Comenius Projects, plant several trees at Elazığ Ilköğretım Okulu playground. A very nice iniatıve from the school who welcome us so warmly.

Meeting at Elaziğ

Comenius partners are meeting at Elaziğ from April 27 to April 30, finishing the last activities of Food and Games project, visiting some schools and enjoying the warm hospitality of this community.

divendres, 24 d’abril del 2009


Students learn about traditional food from their grandparents ,then cook and eat with their friends...

23th April "National Sovereignty and Children's Day"

On the 23th April we celebrate the National Sovereignty and Children's Day" all over Turkey.And In our school students prepared shows for this day.

dilluns, 13 d’abril del 2009

Mona de Pasqua/Catalan Easter Cake

On Easter Catalan people have their 'Mona de Pasqua' usually with eggs and some chocolate (sometimes displaying children heros).
Our youngest children went to look at these 'monas' and prepared their own one.
It was delicious.


dilluns, 23 de març del 2009

Turkish balloons !

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divendres, 13 de març del 2009


During our Food Week all classes all our students prepared some food.
The youngest ones prepared -among others- a Catalan recipe : Pa amb tomàquet.

dijous, 12 de març del 2009

Fantasy Toast

Our students of 3rd and 4th course prepared toasts with fantasy flavours during our Comenius Food Week (9 to 13 March).

dimecres, 11 de març del 2009

Comenius Day

Tuesday 9th March was our Comenius Day

Some parents and grand parents helped us all day long :

they've prepared 11 tortillas ( using the potatoes )


and "turkish way" vegetables

Our 70 pupils have been involved in a big Comenius Game.

They've chat with our Manresa's friends ( special thanks to Moïses and Toni ! )

And we've enjoyed a very special meal alltogether :

Turkish salad

Turkish lentil soup

Tortilla and salad

Catalan Biscuits

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Preparing Comenius Day

Monday we've cooked

15L of turkish lentil soup

150 catalan biscuits (panellets)

and prepared and sliced 18 kg of potatoes

with our pupils.

We've also prepared a big exhibition about our project and dress the table for 97 persons.

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dijous, 12 de febrer del 2009

Today we've cooked a very popular dish : Poule au pot. It's supposedly attributed to a famous french king : Henri IV who, concerned with the well-being of his subjects, wanted them to be able to cook one chicken every sunday.

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divendres, 6 de febrer del 2009

Ficelles picardes

When you've got remaining pancakes, it's usual in Picardie to bake a special dish called "Ficelles Picardes".

That's what we 've done today.

And of course we've tasted them after !

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On Candlemas day it's usual in France to bake some pancakes.

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Multilingual Conversation Guide

cat en es fr tur