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dissabte, 17 de gener del 2009
Tortell de Reis / Epiphany Catalan Cake
In our country, is very traditional to have a light cake called Tortell de Reis, shaped as a ring which contains 2 surprises: a bean and small king. Who gets the king wear the crown that day and who gets the bean have to pay the cake.
dijous, 15 de gener del 2009
Cooking day
Today we've cooked recipies for our book.
We've prepared an apple pie, without any recipy and our pupils have written the recipy to explain it to you.
We've also prepared a chocolate cake.
Epiphany Cake
On 6th of January, it's Epiphany Day.
We've explained to our pupils customs linked to this day allover the world, and especially in Spain.
In France, we use to eat a special cake called "Galette des rois".
Something is hidden inside ( it used to be a bean ).
The yougest one goes under the table and decides who will receive each part.
If you get the bean in your part, you are king of the day, and you can choose a queen ( or you are queen and you can choose a king ).
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Tortell de Reis / Epiphany Catalan Cake
Cooking day
Epiphany Cake
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