dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2008

Christmas Festival

On sunday 14th we had our traditional Christmas Festival at school.

Here are our 2 and 3 years old pupils :

Here are our 4 years old pupils :

dimarts, 9 de desembre del 2008


Hem fet un mural amb fotos d'Elazig i un mapa.
We made a poster with pictures and a map of Elazig.

David i Judith

diumenge, 7 de desembre del 2008

First recipy

On thursday we've cooked our first Comenius book recipy !

It's a "Hachis Parmentier". Our oldest pupils have prepare purée and 6 and 7 years old have cook the meat. Then everybody tasted it !

It was really good, we hope you'll try to ccok it and like it also !

dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2008

24th November The Teachers' Day

In Turkey, 24th November is celebrated as "the Teachers' Day". All the students give flowers to
their teachers and they sign special songs for the teachers.

Advent calendar

Since 1st of december, we've started to open every day one window of our advent calendar !

For more explaination on advent calendar, you can see :

Mural dels menjars de tardor en Anglès

Hem fet un mural de fotos de dels menjars de la tardor en Anglès l'hem fet:
We made a poster with the picture and teh names of the typical catalan Autumn foods.

dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

Sainte Catherine

In north of France, 25th of November is a special day.

Every little girl receives postcards wishing a happy Santa Catherine from her friends.

It's also a special day for every 25 years old woman which isn't yet married : she has to wear a special hat all day long and to feast it with her friends. It's called "coiffer Sainte Catherine".

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2008

Mihrajan Azitun (Olives festival in Morocco)

Al Marroc quan es recullen les olives es fa una festa que es diu Tboreda on es munta al cavall i fan una línia, corren i agafen escopetes i quan arriben disparen alhora.

In Morocco for the olives crop there's a Festival called Tboreda where the people ride horses and run and then altogether shoot their arms


dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2008

Playing 'Bitlles' (Catalan Bowls)

Here you are a clip showing how to play Catalan Bowls

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2008

Back to school

Our pupils are looking for Turkey on the globe !

diumenge, 2 de novembre del 2008

All together at Elazig Planning next Comenius year

Teachers from Elazig, Manresa and Oust Marest are working together at Elazig planning our next Comenius Project phase devoted to the Traditional food.

Have a good meal!

A multilingual set of resources both in healthy food and on recipes from all over the world. Discover how to enjoy the delights of cuisine with a healthy nutrition.


La Castanyada (Traditional Catalan Festival)

ready to have the chestnuts and the "panellets"

The 31st of October is the day of the dead people, and we celebrates Castanyada festival. Is a very old holiday and it's still alive despite the time. At school we celebrate it making 'panellets' (almond and sugar Catalan pastry) and we bake and eat chestnuts beacuse is a very ancient tradition.


The students of 6th grade wear a Castanyer/a custom (people who bake and sell chestnuts at street) and bring the chestnuts to the rest of students. And we prepare a Terror House, beacuse these days is usual to tell terrific legends and stories.

Sofia and Soumia as 'Castanyeres'

Taufik & David

"Per Tots Sants castanyes i cargols amb banyes"

This Catalan proverb reminds us that Autumn is one of the most exciting seasons for traditional food. Many fruits (pomegranate, quince, grapes, chestnuts..) are ready to be eaten, others (olives) to be picked and with the Fall rainings arrive also the desired mushrooms and snails. To complete the menu arrive also some traditional pastries (panellets) and confitures (codonyat made with quince).

Our younger students prepared an exposition on Aurtumn fruits, and the elder ones learned how valuable are on the nutritional side.

dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2008

Special week - 13th to 17th October 08

This week is specially dedicated to the fact of tasting different kinds of food in France.

There are special events in restaurants, in school restaurants but also in classrooms.

In our school, we've done several things during this special week.

Monday : We've taken part to a "pear cake competition" in the morning and cooked stewed apple in the afternoon.

Tuesday : We've tasted nuts and chesnuts and cooked vegetable soup. Of course we used vegetables from our school's garden !

Each pupil went home with some soup for dinner.

Thursday : We've had an healthy breakfast at school with all our pupils

Friday : We will play with tastes.

Questionnaries - 7th October 08

We've prepared questionnaries for our families.

We've asked them what they used to cook at home, for usual meals or for special events.

We will use the results of this questionnary to choose our Comenius menus for the cooking book.

2nd october 08 - healthy food

As we are going to work a lot about food this year for this project, we've asked to a specialist to come.

She explained to our pupils how to sort food into 7 families and to have healthy menus.

The following days our pupils tried to remember her explanations and to create posters about food categories.

We've tried to create healthy menus in our classrooms.

dimarts, 9 de setembre del 2008

Back to school !

We've started the schoolyear with our pupils writing "EUROPE" in the playground.

We've had a flag exhibition with the european anthem.

We've introduced our comenius project to the new parents.

We're looking forward to go on working with all of you !

dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008

San Jordi

Pupils from 2 to 5 years old read the book of San Jordi in french and wrote their own book.

San Jordi 1

San Jordi 2

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2008

9th may, European Day !

On 9th May we had a great chat... Every french pupils discussed with his spanish penfriend.

Our pupils enjoyed it very much.

dimarts, 29 d’abril del 2008

Recording videos

We are recording sentences for our virtual dictionnary.

It's not so easy as you can see !

dijous, 24 d’abril del 2008

In the garden

Today we've planted some vegetables in our garden.

We will use them next year to cook at school for our project.

dilluns, 31 de març del 2008

1st April

On 1st April, in France, it’s usual to prepare hoaxes for friends and families.
Among other practical jokes, our favourite is “poisson d’Avril” (literally "April's fish"), attempting to attach a paper fish to the victim's back without being noticed.

It’s a great pleasure for our pupils to manage to attach a paper fish to a teacher’s back !

dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2008

diumenge, 17 de febrer del 2008

Video on Traditional Games (Elazig)


Three Primary schools, from Oust Marest (France), Elazig (Turkey) and Manresa (Catalunya), are carrying out a Comenius Project on Traditional games.

Tres escoles de Primària, una d'Oust Marest (França), Elazig (Turquia) i Manresa estan fent un Projecte Comenius sobre Jocs Tradicionals.

Trois Êcoles du Primaire à Oust Marest (France), Elazig (Turquie) et Manresa (Catalogne) travaillons ensemble sur un Projet Comenius du Jeux Tradicionaux.

Oust Marest (Fransa)Elazığ(Türkiye) ve Manresa(Katalunya)'dan üç ilkokul Geleneksel Oyunlar konulu bir Comenious Projesi yürütmektedir.

Multilingual Conversation Guide

cat en es fr tur